Dieting: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

If you’ve ever started a weight loss or fitness plan only to find yourself frustrated and back to square one within weeks, this post was written for you! In this article, I’m sharing the real truths about dieting, so you know you’re not alone with y…

Dieting: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

So you're ready to lose weight, and you're researching everything you can get your hands on to choose the quickest and most effective way to lose weight, right? We spend countless hours combing through all the little tidbits of reducing body fat, workouts that work, and what foods we should eat. Weight loss is a process and can be very daunting at times. We just want to know the best way to go about it.

There are many stages of dieting, some that are amazing and some that just plain suck. However, if you're in it for the long haul, you can get through all the ups and downs that come with transforming your body. There is no easy path, no magic potion or secret pill that will fast forward you to the end result. Matter of fact, there really is no end result. Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change that you must implement every single day, for the rest of your life.

This doesn't mean you'll be forever dieting and struggling to maintain your weight loss. It merely means you'll forever be super conscious of what it takes to keep your new body, which will forever be evolving. For example, the less you weigh, the fewer calories you need to consume. After losing weight, many think they can go back to their previous calorie consumption, now just eating healthier choices. No matter how healthy food choices you're making, you still need to reduce your calorie intake with lower body weight. You'll always be adjusting your diet according to the current state of your body.

I write this article today to educate and inspire you to get on that diet, make wise choices, and understand the pitfalls and roadblocks you may encounter, in hopes that you can overcome all of them, and continue on your weight loss path. You'll surpass milestones you never thought possible. I want you to know that you're not alone, on the sometimes lonely, fitness journey, and you are understood. I want you to reflect back on this article when you question yourself and your choices. Losing weight can be hard, but the rewards far outweigh the struggles, I promise.


When you decide to lose weight, you desperately want your body to transform and transform quickly. You'll do anything to get results, but you also don't want to live in misery. So many believe they should live in the state of starvation to lose weight, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Restricting your calories, exercising excessively, and isolating yourself from get togethers with loved ones is not the way to succeed. There is no quick trick to losing weight quickly. Yes, you may lose weight fast, but doing it this way will only end in you gaining all the weight back. What would it be worth if you suffered the entire time?

Be patient with the process. Trust that the body will respond with the right diet and showing up consistently to exercise the body. You don't need to be extreme; you need to be patient. So many dive into a weight loss plan, doing everything in their power to stick with it, and burn out by week three. They want the results, and they want it now. Patience is your friend and will see you through the process.


When you're dieting to lose weight, you have to commit to your plan. Your body requires a certain amount of calories per day, to function correctly, and you must stay within that caloric window. You can't eyeball the amount of food you're eating. You can't wing it. You have to weigh, measure, and prep your food.

The ugly side of dieting is it takes commitment, commitment like no other. Depending on the results you're expecting, you must stick to your nutrition daily, no excuses. Yes, you can allow yourself foods you crave, but they must stay within your calorie allowance.

There will be dinner parties, birthday parties, friends wanting to go out to lunch, and times when you're so tired you'll eat anything. To stay with your diet, you must commit to hold your own and stick with your plan. Jumping in and out of your diet will not bring you the results your body is capable of achieving.


The truth of dieting is it's hard. You have to make decisions based on your diet and your goals. You must block out the eye rolls, the comments, and the pushers who try to sway you from your diet. You have to have a backbone of steel, and stay on track, no matter what.

As I tell you this, I do not mean you have to live a miserable life. You have to find balance, with your goals as the top priority. If you want to get the best results, you have to stick with your diet. Life will throw you curveballs and temptations. You must be willing to learn how to navigate around all of it.

Never go into a diet that restricts you from every food you love. You'll set yourself up for failure. Don't start by thinking you'll never eat those "bad" foods again because you will. Choose a diet that allows you the freedom to pick and choose foods that will not only get you results but gives you balance with the foods you crave and enjoy. You're human, and you have cravings, wants, and needs. You just need to learn how to control those triggers, but never completely deny yourself a particular food.


Sticking with my fitness regimen, and seeing results gives me a real sense of accomplishment. No one can work out for me. No one can choose and eat healthy foods for me. I'm the only one that can stick with my fitness lifestyle, and I'm the only reason my body will get the results I want.

Going to bed, knowing that you had the willpower and the drive to stick with your diet is rewarding. It's hard, and to know that you did it, sends your motivation on autopilot. To see your body transform, and to hear others comment on your success is rewarding.

It takes guts to commit to a diet, and see it through, even on the hard days is something most will never be able to say. Others may not see all the efforts you put into your diet, but you know how hard it can be, but yet you still do it. That is something to be very proud of. It feels good to eat well. Your body rewards you when you feed it healthy, whole foods. You'll look better, feel better, and feel a sense of power knowing you're making smart choices for your wellbeing.


When you decide to change your body and live a healthier life, you'll have your supporters, and you'll have your naysayers. Learning how to navigate through this can be difficult at times, but completely doable. You have to learn to block out the noise from others that doubt your efforts.

You may have been on many diets before, unable to stick with it. Some will point that out to you every chance they get. Ignore them. This is your journey, and you have only yourself to answer too. You have to decide to make this diet work. You have to show up every day ready to stick with your diet.

Do not let others negativity or resentment get in the way of you reaching your goals. If they don't want to be a team player with you, walk away. You need to have a positive mindset, and there's no guilt in wanting a better body and mind. You don't need to carry others insecurities or bad habits. Turn your back on this, and do you.

I've written an entire article on losing loved ones over losing weight. It's real, and it's hurtful and more common than most realize.

If you’ve started diets only to end up derailed, frustrated, and back to square one, then you may be making some mistakes in your mindset. In this article, I tell you exactly what to expect when you begin dieting, and how not to get lost on the path…


If you're following the right diet plan and sticking with it consistently, you'll see the results you want. You'll see and feel the body transforming and love the new way you feel mentally. You'll notice little things, like how much better you walk up the steps, or how much time you can spend outside with your kids playing.

You'll no longer dread the thought of putting on clothes or a bathing suit. You'll begin to see your body in a positive light instead of tearing every flaw you have apart. The longer, and more consistent you stay on track, the results will keep coming.

Results will keep you motivated to keep moving forward. Most of my clients start with me, hoping to lose twenty pounds. Before you know it, they're surpassing that goal and moving onto the next. Results will come and will catapult you to the next level.

Dieting is more mentally challenging than most realize. In the beginning, it can be exciting to start with all the expectations of how you want your body to look. You jump in with both feet, confident you'll stay with it, no matter what. However, you have to know there will be struggles along the way, and it's normal. Knowing ahead of time that there will be ups and downs will help you stay on board, without jumping ship.

If you look at others who have had success and wonder how they did it, I'll tell you. They didn't quit. There is no secret potion that gets results for others and not you. They have consistently stuck with their diet plan. That's it. And yes, they too had bad days, fell off track, but got right back on. Dieting is exciting and challenging.

Learn to forgive yourself on bad days, and to give yourself credit on the good days. Acknowledge when you do really well, and when you do bad. It's ok to mess up, but it's not ok to sabotage yourself because of a simple slip-up. You're going to eat that doughnut. Ok, move on. Don't blow your entire diet for the day or week because you caved in and splurged on a doughnut.

If it really bothers you that you "messed" up, go for a walk instead of grabbing another high-calorie food because you're mad you did that. Learn how to mess up, and move on with your diet so you can reach all of your goals. Remember, the ones that succeed, keep going.

Your diet will reward you. Your body will thank you, and others will notice your efforts. Stick with it and reap more benefits than you ever imagined at the beginning of your journey. You've got this!

If you need some fun, simple ways to keep you on track and inspired, please sign up below to be on the inside loop of tricks and tools too fast track you to all of your goals. I'd love to be a guiding light on your path to greatness.

Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit, the home of fast efficient online fitness plans that can be customized with personalized nutrition plans and accountability coaching.

Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit—online workouts, nutrition, and fitness coaching that actually work! She specializes in short (super effective) daily workouts combined with customized nutrition plans to help real people shed excess fat to reveal toned, lean muscles. The Purely Fit approach to looking and feeling great prioritizes small, steady, super efficient workouts and nutrition upgrades to help you stay with it once and for all!
