6 Habits of Lean People

Do you look at lean and fit people and think there is no way that could be you? What’s their secret? They must spend hours at a gym and live on lettuce and water to look that way. You might be surprised to see how easy it really is to become and mai…

6 Habits of Lean People

Do you ever look at people on social media or in magazines and wonder what it is that they’re doing to be so lean and fit? You probably assume they’re living on lettuce and water and workout for hours on end.

Do you feel like that could never be you? You have kids, you're super busy, or you're sure you'd never have the willpower. Those lean people cannot be living realistic lives to look that good. That's only for those that don't have hectic lives or kids to chase after.

So many think to be lean must be grueling and out of reach for the everyday person. People assume that it takes hours of exercise and running and never indulging in food or fun. Some might believe it's pure genetics to look this way, and the lean people must be born with perfect bodies.

I'm here to tell you; it's not all genetics or luck that they have lean bodies. It takes work, but not as strenuous as you probably believe. There are a few simple habits that almost all fit people follow, and they are not that complicated or hard to follow.


Let me start by telling you, it's not hours at a gym, every single day. It's exercising daily that can be anywhere from a half hour to an hour. Most combine weight training with a mix of cardio.

Lean people find an exercise routine that fits into their busy schedules and ones that keeps them motivated and working hard. These workouts aren't ones that make them feel like they're going to puke or die, every time they enter the gym floor. Sure, there are times when increasing cardio or doing things a bit more extreme movements are necessary, but usually, a quick and effective workout is what works best.

The only difference between a lean body and one that's not is the lean one shows up to exercise daily, consistently working their muscles to maintain or progress to a better physique. There are no magic potions, just daily exercise that taxes their bodies and pushes them to the next level.

Getting lean and fit can seem like an impossible task, especially with all the do’s and don’ts on social media. Use these simple tips to get fit and stay that way. Lean people are busy people too and you don’t need to workout for hours a day to achi…


Being lean and in top shape requires one to prioritize their fitness goals at the top of their list. It's not selfish or vain. Life is hard, life is hectic, but being healthy should be a top priority to everyone. Without health, we have nothing.

Getting your exercises in and keeping with a healthy diet requires attention and determination. You must schedule your fitness and nutrition just like you make your appointments for anything else. If you don't make the time and book it, you'll never find the time to be fit.

Don't be afraid to tell loved ones that you can't do something because you must accomplish your own goals for the day. Ask for help so that you can see to it that you're staying on track with your goals. There's no shame in wanting to better yourself, both internally and externally. We have one body that needs to last us a lifetime. Taking care of the body requires your full attention, and you shouldn't be embarrassed to do so. That is precisely how lean people get fit and stay fit. They make it a priority.


It can feel like a mountain to climb when you begin dieting and exercising. There are so many different things to know from what exercises to do, down to what on earth are you supposed to eat every day. Not only that, but you have a job, kids and a home to look after. You probably don't even know where to start.

Lean people find ways that work and stick to them, especially when it comes to food. I'm a total creature of habit, and I function well when I do the same things, day in and day out, including my diet. I've been known to eat the same thing for breakfast for ten years straight. Now, I know that may be extreme and quite boring to most, but it's what works for me.

However, once you find a way to stay within your calorie needs, stick to the same foods, and life getting lean will become much more manageable. You don't have to do the same daily diet but stay pretty close to it — for example, swap out different meats, veggies or carbs. By doing so, you'll eliminate the daily struggle of what to eat to get you to all of your goals. Making small tweaks is much simpler than starting from scratch every morning.


Dieting and exercising can be frustrating, and not everyone can stick with it. There's one difference between the ones that do stay with it and the ones that say forget it. The lean people fall off the bandwagon but get right back on it. No one is perfect when it comes to diet and exercise. Lean people mess up all of the time but continue on their path to success by letting it go and fixing it immediately.

There will be a night that you indulge in something not so good for your diet. Ok, so you ate it, and now you must forgive yourself and move on. When it's time to eat again, choose a healthy option, drink lots of water, and continue on. That one small mess up is not going to set you back to the beginning. However, if you continue to make bad choices, you will fall right back into your old ways.

Allow yourself to have some treats along the way; just don't get stuck in that pattern. Lean people always look forward to the occasional pizza or dessert after dinner. Workouts will get skipped, and life will be ok. Your body is there working for you, even while you're sleeping, but remember to get back on track to keep your body working for you.

When you envision getting a lean, fit body, do you automatically think of hours at the gym and living on a super, strict diet? In this article, I’ll show you the secret weapons lean people use everyday in order to get fit and stay that way. Getting …


There's nothing worse than sitting around with your stomach growling, and you almost want to chew on your arm just to have something in your mouth. You dread the hunger pangs you get when you begin dieting. How do lean people do this all of the time?

Lean people learn how to control their hunger — understanding that being hungry isn’t always what you're feeling. Being famished could actually be dehydration or straight out boredom. When you begin feeling hungry, instead of grabbing something to snack on, grab a bottle of water. Wait until after you finish the bottle to decide if you're still hungry.

If you start having a craving, distract the mind by something else. Go for a walk, read a book or straighten things up around you. You might be surprised to find that the cravings go away instantly. When you're lean and focused on your goals, you teach yourself that food isn't always what the body is asking for.


Now, I am big about telling clients to stay away from the scale, and here I am telling you that lean people use the scale to keep fit. The scale can be an essential tool when used correctly, and it took me years to learn how to use it to my benefit, not as my trap.

The scale can work for you or against you, and that's dependent on you using it wisely. Use the scale only to gauge your progress, but understand that it will fluctuate day to day. There are many reasons why the scale goes up or goes down, but do not let it deter you from sticking to your fitness goals.

Only when you see a significant fluctuation do you change course and when I say change course, you must do the most minimal change until you understand what needs tweaking with your plan. Too many let the scale tell them they're failing and they quit their goals all together before ever understanding why the scale changed.

The scale is a small part of the big picture, and you have to keep that in perspective when using it. It's there so that you can see if any significant changes are occurring with your diet and exercise efforts. Do not become dependent on the scale telling you that you're doing well or failing because it's only a number.

Add this to your Pinterest board because we all forget the helpful things along the way! You can always reflect back on the tips that help keep you motivated!

The Purely Fit 6 Habits of Lean People (1).png

Being lean and fit doesn't need to be complicated. There are no hidden secrets — consistency, simplicity, and focus; that's it. Once you find a rhythm with your nutrition and fitness, you'll be well on your way to being lean. You don't need to spend hours working out or depriving yourself of all the foods you love.

Draw up a plan of attack, keeping within your daily schedule and fitness abilities and build from there. Start small, but continue to push yourself a little bit each day out of your comfort zone. Magic happens when you work yourself a little harder than you did yesterday.

Know ahead of time that you will fail at times. You will skip a workout or two. You will indulge in too many cookies. You are human, and things do happen. Learn to forgive yourself and get up on the saddle again. Laying in the failure zone will get you nowhere and expecting yourself to be perfect is unrealistic for anyone, even the fittest. Understanding that these things will happen should allow you space to let it go and move forward, not backward.

You can do this; I know you can. Stop admiring the leanest and start your journey to being fit. Everyone is capable of being healthy and fit, including you. You have to want it more than being unfit. Don't wait another day, so get your pen and paper out and start planning.

If you need some fun, simple ways to keep you on track and inspired, please sign up below to be on the inside loop of tricks and tools to fast track you to all of your fitness goals. I'd love to be a guiding light on your path to greatness.


Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit, the home of fast efficient online fitness plans that can be customized with personalized nutrition plans and accountability coaching.

Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit—online workouts, nutrition, and fitness coaching that actually work! She specializes in short (super effective) daily workouts combined with customized nutrition plans to help real people shed excess fat to reveal toned, lean muscles. The Purely Fit approach to looking and feeling great prioritizes small, steady, super efficient workouts and nutrition upgrades to help you stay with it once and for all!
